In this article, let us see how to capture your meeting videos using Fireflies.
About video capture
- Fireflies captures videos across all your video conferencing apps if you are on the Business or Enterprise tiers.
How to enable video recording
- Open Settings on the Fireflies web app and find RECORD MEETING VIDEO under Meeting Settings.
- Toggle it to turn on video capture for your meetings.
- Once video recording is enabled, Fireflies will start capturing videos for all meetings going forward. After a meeting has been processed, you will be able to access the video along with the transcript.
- Open a meeting transcript and go to the Video tab to play the video.
Enabling video for your team
- Admins can control the video recording settings for the entire team from Team Settings.
- Click on the settings icon in the top right corner.
- Look for Record Meeting Video settings.
You will find three options:
1. Allow teammates to choose
2. Enable for all teammates
3. Disable video recording for all teammates
1. Allow teammates to choose:
- This is the default option. Teammates can individually enable or disable video recording from their settings.
2. Enable for all teammates:
- Video will be recorded for all the meetings that teammates attend.
- Select this option and click Save changes.
Note: Teammates cannot override this setting.
3. Disable video recording for all teammates:
No video will be recorded for any teammate meetings. Select this option and click Save changes.
Note: The Chrome Extension does not support video recording at the moment.
Related article: How to use Fireflies with Teammates
We hope this article helped you to capture videos for your meetings using Fireflies. If you still have any questions about capturing videos, feel free to ask your questions here.