This guide is part of the comprehensive post-meeting features guide. Here, we’ll walk you through the steps to search and find your meetings.
About the search function
- The search function lets you search across all your recordings and quickly find key information from your meeting knowledge base. You need not manually scan through all meetings to find information.
How to find meetings using the search function
- Sign in to your Fireflies account.
- Find the search bar on top of your home screen.
- Type in your search query, and click Enter.
- Fireflies will search across all your meeting transcripts and give you a list of all the meetings that cover the answer to your query.
- To further enhance your search results, you can also apply filters or use AskFred.
How to filter your search results
You can apply multiple filters to narrow your search results. Such as:
- Host
- Participant
- Channel
- Time
- Meeting title only
- Meeting host
- To search for meetings by meeting host, click Host and select the host's name from the drop-down menu.
- You can select multiple hosts at the same time.
2. Meeting Participants
- To search for meetings by meeting participants, click Participants and select the participant’s name from the drop-down menu.
- You can select multiple participants at the same time.
3. Channel
- Click Channel and select the Channel within which you want to search.
- By default, the Channel is set to #All Meetings.
4. Meeting title
- To search within only a particular meeting, type in the meeting name and select Meeting Title Only.
5. Date
- To search within meetings from a specific date or period, click the calendar icon.
- Here, you’ll get four pre-set options:
- Anytime
- Last 3 days
- Last 7 days
- Last month
- Select the time period you want to apply. By default, the time period is set to Anytime.
- If your search falls in a different time period, click Select Date.
- Select your desired date from the calendar and click Apply.
Tip: Apply multiple filters to your search to make it more specific. Combine meeting titles with filters like date or hosts to pinpoint the exact meetings you need.
How to use AskFred to search across your meetings?
- Click the AskFred icon at the top of your home screen.
- A pop-up AskFred window will appear. You can see four summarization options.
- Click on either to see instant results:
- Highlights: Generate the top 5 soundbites that represent highlights from meetings in the last week
- Action Items: List out action items from the past week.
- Topics: What topics were covered in my meetings this week?
- Updates: List the updates for key topics discussed in the last week.
- If you have a specific query, type in your question and press Enter.
If you have any other questions about using Fireflies, please contact us here.