This article covers how to set up meeting recap emails and the privacy settings for controlling access to those recaps.
Meeting recap emails
By default, Fireflies sends meeting recaps to all participants. Use the email settings to control who receives the transcripts and audio/video recaps. It also lets you include additional details like action items, brief summaries, and meeting notes in the recap emails.
- To access the Email settings, Go to Settings from the navigation bar on the left.
- Look for Email Settings under Meeting Settings.
- Under NOTES GET SENT TO, set your preference to determine who receives meeting transcripts and audio/video recordings after the meeting ends.
You have 4 options:
- Everyone on the invite - Share meeting recaps with every meeting attendee.
- Only me and participants from my Fireflies team - Share meeting recaps only with you and members of your Fireflies team.
- Only me and participants from [@companydomain] - Share meeting recaps only with you and participants who belong to the specified company domain.
- Only me - Keeps meeting recaps private, sharing them only with you and nobody else.
- Optionally, you can also include the meeting summary sections in the meeting recap email.
- Check the Include meeting summary in the shared email recap box.
- Click Customize to add a specific meeting summary section in the meeting recap email.
You’ll see 4 options:
- Action Items - Share the list of all action items from the meeting.
- Meeting Outline - Share the timeline view of your meeting with reference specific time-stamps.
- Meeting Notes - Share a list of bullet point notes for your meetings.
Meeting Overview - Share a high-level overview of the meeting discussion.
- Choose one and click Save. In this example, we’ve included the Meeting notes section.
Privacy settings
- Privacy Settings determine who can access the meeting recording and transcript.
- Go to Settings and look for Privacy Settings under Meeting Settings.
You can choose from the following 5 options:
- Anyone with a link - Allow anyone (even those outside your company and team) can view the meeting recap.
- Only Participants & Teammates - Share the meeting recap exclusively with meeting participants and teammates.
- Only Participants - Share the meeting recap only with meeting participants.
- Only Teammates - Share the meeting recap only with your teammates.
- Only Me - Keep the meeting recaps private, accessible only to you.
- After selecting an option, a pop-up window will ask if you want to apply this setting to past meetings.
- If you don't want to change privacy settings for past meetings, choose No, only apply to future meetings. Otherwise, choose Yes, apply to all meetings.