After a meeting ends on Fireflies, the transcription process begins automatically. Here are the key points about how it works:
Transcription time
- It typically takes five to ten minutes for the transcription process to complete after the meeting ends.
Transcription status
- You can check the status of the transcription process under Meeting Status.
- The status will show Processing while the transcription is underway.
- Once the status changes to Completed, the transcript is ready.
Related: What is in the meeting status page?
- Your participants will get the meeting recap emails in their inboxes.
Participant access
- Meeting participants will receive the transcript and recap via email once it's processed, based on the email recap settings you've configured.
Related: How to send email recaps to participants
Meeting transcripts
- After transcription is complete, click Meetings to access the specific meeting.
- The transcript and any related analytics will be available in the meeting notepad.
Related: Troubleshooting transcription issues
We hope this guide gives an overview of meeting transcription processing in Fireflies. If you have any other questions about using Fireflies, please contact us here.