After a meeting, you can share a recap email containing a link to the full transcripts with all participants. This article shows you how to share meeting recap emails and manage participant access to the transcripts.
Sharing meeting recap emails with participants
- Go to Settings from the navigation menu on the left.
- Under Email Settings, find the NOTES GET SENT TO setting.
- To share your meeting recaps with meeting participants, use any of these options:
- Everyone on the invite: Recap emails go to all meeting participants.
Only me and participants from my Fireflies team: Recaps go to you and participants from your workspace
Only me and participants from@[companydomain]:Recaps go to you and participants with corporate email domains.
Related article: How to configure the Email and privacy settings
- Once set up, the meeting participants you've allowed will receive a recap email shortly after the meeting ends. The email will include a summary, highlights, action items, recording/transcript links, and a list of attendees from that meeting.
Manage access to transcripts
- You can allow meeting participants to view your meeting recaps by default.
Here’s how:
- Right below Email Settings, you’ll find Privacy Settings for MEETING RECAP LINKS.
- To share the meeting transcripts with participants, select from any of these options:
- Anyone with a link: Anyone with the link can view the recaps.
- Only Participants & Teammates: Only you, meeting participants, and team members in your workspace can view the meeting recap.
- Only Participants: Only you and the meeting participants can view the meeting recaps.
- A pop-up window will open to confirm whether you want to apply the changes only to future meetings or to all meetings (including past meetings).
- Choose No, apply to all future meetings, or Yes, apply to all meetings accordingly.
Related article: How to share transcripts and recaps with non-Fireflies users
We hope this guide explains how to share meeting recap emails and manage participant access to the transcripts. If you have any other questions about using Fireflies, please contact us here.